
Gardening Without Pesticides E-Book

$ 2.97 $ 1.97

Gardening Without Pesticides is a concise instruction manual with all the tools you need to grow your own healthy food.

Our Gardening Without Pesticides e-book contains step-by-step instructions on how to have a successful garden and grow your own healthy food. Anyone can become a successful gardener with the information included in the our e-book.  The topics covered are:

  1. How to accomplish healthy soil
  2. Composting 101
  3. Planting from seed
  4. Cool and warm season vegetables
  5. Germination temperatures
  6. Companion Planting
  7. Beneficial Insects
  8. Using nature instead pesticides to combat pests

These topics are the core of successful all natural gardening without using harmful chemicals.  It also contains additional resources that will continue your garden learning curve.