Edible Flowers to Grow in Your Garden

Everyone is used to a pretty bouquet on the table. However, did you know flowers can also wind up in your dinner? Edible flowers are used in several types of cuisine and may be found on menus around the globe. Not every flower is safe to eat, but those that are can add color and flavor to many dishes like sauces, salads, entrees, and beverages. Some flowers can also offer health benefits. Below are several edible flowers that you can grow in your garden.


Hibiscus plants create huge ornate blossoms in subtropical and tropical parts of the world. The roselle is the most popular variety to eat. Hibiscus flowers can be as large as six inches in diameter and are available in white, yellow, red, and pink colors.

While these flowers can be ornamental, they are often used for medicinal and culinary purposes. The flower can be eaten from the plant but is often used in relishes, tea, salads, and jam. Many cultures enjoy hibiscus tea for its medicinal benefits. Some studies show that it could reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels.


Most people see dandelions as annoying garden weeds. However, they are also very nutritious edible flowers. Dandelions have blossoms about one to one-and-a-half inches long and tiny bright yellow petals. They offer many plant compounds, best known for their antioxidant properties.

The flowers can be eaten from dandelions, as can the leaves, stems, and roots. They can be eaten raw on their own or in a salad. Dandelions can also be breaded and fried or used to make wine and jelly. The roots often make tea, while the greens can be a sandwich topping. They can also be used in casseroles and stews that call for hearty greens.


Next up is lavender, a floral herb often grown in the Mediterranean and northern Africa. The flowers are violet and very small but come in large amounts. The fragrance is what sets this flower apart, and it is known for creating a calming sensation. The aroma and color make this flower a great addition to all sorts of foods, including infused syrups, baked goods, herbal teas, liqueurs, herb mixtures, and dry spice rubs.

Lavender’s flavor works well with savory and sweet ingredients, such as berries, sage, chocolate, citrus, rosemary, and thyme. When you cook with lavender, use a small amount and slowly increase it to get the flavor you want. It can be overpowering if you do not do so.


Hundreds of species of honeysuckle exist, but the ones you will most often see are the woodbine and Japanese varieties. These blossoms are usually white or light yellow and hold nectar inside. You can eat it right from the flower. Honeysuckle has been an important part of Chinese medicine for centuries. The flowers and extracts can be consumed or applied to the skin for inflammatory issues.

As far as the culinary world goes, honeysuckle is often used to create tea or delicious syrup. The syrup can be used to sweeten lemonade, iced tea, sorbet, yogurt, or as a sugar replacement in quick breads. While the nectar and flowers are safe to eat, the berries may be toxic if you eat a large amount of them.


Nasturtium is a culinary favorite because of its unique savory flavor and brightly colored blossoms. The flowers and leaves of this plant are edible and can be eaten raw or cooked. They have a slightly spicy, peppery flavor, but the blossoms taste milder than the leaves.

The leaves are shaped like funnels and come in yellow, red, and orange. They make a fantastic garnish for salads, pastries, and cakes. The leaves are round and look similar to lily pads. They are tender and can be used for salad greens or pesto.


Starflower or borage is an herb that makes star-shaped delicate flowers. The blossoms are typically blue but may be pink or white. In herbal medicine, borage helps treat coughs or sore throats. However, there is not much research on how well it might work as medical therapy.

There are many ways to use borage in the kitchen since the leaves and the flowers are edible. The flowers are often said to have a sweet flower-like honey and cucumber. The flowers can be eaten fresh in salads or used as garnishes for cocktails and desserts. They can also be cooked and placed in sauces, soups, and pasta. Borage can also be used as a vegetable side dish.


Purslane is a succulent that makes small yellow flowers and big fleshy leaves. Both of these items are edible and can be consumed raw or cooked. Years ago, purslane was considered nothing more than a garden week. However, it has recently become more popular due to all the nutrients it offers.

This flower has antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, but its biggest boost is its omega-3 fat content. It offers more omega-3 than most other vegetables. The leaves and flowers of purslane can be served raw in many sandwiches and salads. They can also be steamed or sauteed with other vegetables as a side dish or added to soup. You can even try them battered and fried.

Final Thoughts

Growing edible flowers is a great way to add new flavors and bright colors to your meals. It can even help with health benefits. Every flower is a special treat for your favorite meals, from the aromatic lavender to the vibrant hibiscus. They can enhance your dishes while providing a more fulfilling and sustainable way of living.

If you want to live a more sustainable life, consider reading “Dirt Rich” by Leigh and Odin Funderburk. This book shows their journey from corporate America to a small farm where they found total contentment through sustainable living. They share their experiences and show you that adding small mindful practices can make your life less stressful and more joyous. Embrace edible flowers in your garden and live a more sustainable lifestyle with Dirt Rich.