Two Chicken Breeds We Recommend

Stoney Creek Farm in Tennessee is our haven for sustainable living. We cherish and nurture traditional farming practices where every decision is eco-friendly and respects the environment. A core part of that is raising chickens, and we’ve found that two chicken breeds align with our needs: Cornish Cross and Red Star.

As we delve into the specifics of these breeds, we also discuss the broader benefits of raising chickens.  We will offer insights and tips that may help you on your sustainable journey.

The Benefits of Raising Chickens

Raising chickens has various benefits. We have a steady supply of meat and fresh eggs from chickens, aligning with our commitment to self-reliable and sustainable living. Consistent food sources offer a sense of security.  This security lets us know where our food comes from, how it was raised, and its positive environmental impact.

Other benefits of raising chickens include:

  • Kitchen scraps that would otherwise end up in landfills become valuable, inexpensive feed for our chickens. This closes the loop in our farm’s waste cycle. We turn food waste into nourishment for our birds, and they nourish us.
  • They offer natural pest control sans chemical pesticides. Their foraging for insects and weeds keeps our land clean and clear.
  • Chicken poop enriches the soil. Sure, it may sound gross, but their droppings contain essential nutrients, promoting healthier crops and reducing our homestead’s reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
  • Raising chickens reduces the need for transportation, packaging, and refrigeration of store-bought eggs. This leads to a lower carbon footprint and an eco-friendlier lifestyle.
  • Different breeds are fun to watch and be around. They have unique, quirky personalities and social behaviors, making them an enjoyable distraction for entertainment and companionship.
  • Over time, raising chickens can lead to significant savings on grocery bills. The ongoing supply of fresh, high-quality eggs and meat offsets the initial investment in chickens and their care.

There are profound perks to raising chickens on a sustainable homestead. Chickens contribute to farm biodiversity, making them essential for a strong and healthy ecosystem. They help create a balanced and thriving environment.

Cornish Cross: The Ultimate Meat Bird

Cornish Cross chickens are typically explicitly bred for meat production. With proper care and nutrition, they reach marketable weights of 5 to 10 pounds in 10 weeks.  Plus a 60 to 70 percent meat yield is possible. This quick turnaround provides tender, flavorful meat while minimizing resources for care. Resources may include feed and water, which can reduce overall environmental impact.

Due to Cornish Cross chickens’ fast growth requires a balanced, nutritious diet and proper space to thrive and grow. At Stoney Creek Farm, we supplement the chickens’ diets with grains and greens, ensuring high-quality meat and the excellent well-being of the birds.

Side note: Cornish Cross chickens thrive in mild temperatures, so we time our orders around springtime or autumn to ensure the chicks have the best chance to survive.

Red Star Chickens: Our Egg-Laying Champions

Red Star chickens are some of the best egg producers. These hens are renowned layers, providing a consistent supply of nutritious, flavorful brown eggs at 18 to 22 weeks of age. Red Stars are laidback and adaptive with calm, easygoing temperaments. They can roam freely to forage for insects, weeds, seeds, and plants.  A real benefit is found in the hatching of eggs:  male chicks are reddish and female chicks are yellow.  This sex-link sorting makes it more accurate when ordering females only for your flock.

Each Red Star hen can lay an average of 280 to 300 eggs annually, 5 to 7 weekly. They can lay eggs for 4 to 5 years with a gradual decline in production as they age, but the first 2 to 3 years in a hen’s life is the most productive.

Where We Source Our Chickens: Tips and Info

Did you know that crushed eggshells are an excellent source of calcium for your garden? Mix them with compost or pour them directly into your soil. The subtle scent of chicken eggshells is also a natural pest deterrent, keeping slugs, snails, and other pesky insects away from your fresh fruits and veggies.

Since we don’t have local resources for Cornish Cross and Red Star chickens, we rely on a trusted hatchery for in-mail shipping. We choose hatcheries with solid reputations and a track record of delivering robust chickens, ensuring our birds start their lives with a strong foundation.

Timing is crucial when ordering chicks. We place orders during milder weather, like early autumn or springtime, to reduce stress and improve survival rates because chicks can be sensitive to extreme temperatures. Cornish Cross chickens should never be ordered or shipped in extremely hot or cold weather.

Stay Connected with Stoney Creek Farm!

One of the cornerstones of our sustainable approach is the careful selection of the animals we raise. On our homestead, chickens are integral, not just as food providers but as essential contributors to the health of our farm. The breeds we choose—Cornish Cross and Red Star—are suited to our goals for sustainable living, offering a balance of hardiness, environmental friendliness, and productivity.

Raising chickens meets our needs and fosters a deep connection to the food we consume and the land we cultivate. By choosing breeds well-adapted to our environment and farming practices, we can reduce our reliance on external resources, creating a closed-loop, sustainable lifestyle. Through their natural behaviors, like foraging and fertilizing the soil, our chickens help maintain the health of our gardens and pastures, helping to make our land fertile and productive.

At Stoney Creek Farm, every farm animal and practice contributes to a greater ecological balance. Our goal is to create a sustainable future where farming and nature coexist, and our food systems are resilient, hearty, and continuous. We believe in sharing our knowledge with others as a hub for sustainable living. By exchanging ideas, forging friendships, and connecting with the community to explore the ups and downs of homesteading, we hope to be the chosen resource.

Whether you’re an experienced homesteader or just starting your journey toward sustainability, there’s always something new to learn. Check out our YouTube channel and Facebook page for more insights and updates from Stoney Creek Farm in Tennessee. We also offer various workshops and classes, both online and in-person, where you can learn more about sustainable farming, gardening, and homesteading.